Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Can we make toilets spread like mobiles?

Wherever we go, even to the most remote and poorest areas, people have and use mobile phones. But, we see that the same people still defecate in the bushes or use toilets that are not hygienic. Mobiles have evolved from a luxury item to a common necessity that increases your status. People aspire to having a newer model phone.

But we talk about 'latrines' and promote technologies that are old.  Mobile providers use smart, agressive marketing tactics instead and sell different options to different users, old and young, poor and rich.

We need to:
  • understand what would motivate different groups to build, use and maintain toilets
  • target our messages better based on this knowledge on motivation and barriers
  • work on diverse technical options and their costs
  • provide/promote financing models with incremental upgrading options
  • strengthen supply-side
  • support sanitation business models and promote ways that sanitation can bring direct monetary benefits (re-use of waste)
The bottom line is: people will only invest in building, maintaining and upgrading  their toilets if they love them. A nice toilet could be part of a more 'modern' life.So we have to be creative, innovative and make sure that the supply can meet felt demands.

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