John - The issue of gender has been re emphasised will take this back to Bhutan
Tom P. - The amount of good work by various groups is heartening. I will be the thread that links these flowers to become a garland
Andy - Bumblebee and a need to get more involved...with hygiene projects
Joep - I will break the silence on menstrual hygiene wherever possible
.. Menstrual hygiene issue will be highlighted and action initiated, reiterated for schools.
In this workshop I have learnt many ideas...that everybody is sensitive to menstrual hygiene issues is wonderful
I work on livelihoods-social development component especially handwashing, handwashing is so crucial I am proud now of my work...
Hygiene promotion is important and menstrual hygiene is the area to focus on
I will not do anything new but to do things better- Hygiene promotion framework-being developed by Wateraid will be enhanced
School hygiene is the area I will take forward
I will carry with me the image of a 12 year old girl crying and a brave woman carrying forward menstrual hygiene improvement programme
Will take to Pakistan- to a part which is a traditional society- a partnership potential with India on hygiene issues.
This workshop will play the role of a bridge between practitioners and community.
I will focus on hygiene promotion activities very,very seriously..
Ingeborg- Learnt from the mistakes told by others...will work on Hygiene promotion for men..
Context and purpose..the importance of context and the need to bring improved behaviour.
Carolyn- How can we improve our hygiene networking across groups in the world. Hygiene promotion in Stockholm,World Water week will try to raise the issue... and will work on my mental and emotional hygiene :)
Will help colleagues who are working for Hygiene for men and soap facilities for hygiene for schools.
Monitoring hygiene is crucial ..this has helped me. The momentum building on menstrual hygiene will be reinforced...
Learning perspective for me because I am from a engineering monitoring framework and particularly health impact indicators- behaviour indicators.
Our work is like religion..providing water ,sanitation,hygiene...we work for people..will keep up the work
Lyn- Thanks for inviting me for a South Asian conference. WASH Phillipines coalition and South Asian practitioners will be linked ...will continue documentation of home and personal hygiene practices of over 100 ethnic groups of the Phillipines
Mariya- feedback for my paper helped in developing action plan. Last workshop was helpful...whatever message we need to give , we need to be effective...communicate message at different levels.
Dr Babar - Organistational view- will work within BRAC and ensure better facilities for women staff
Will develop a simple economic model to understand the link between health and hygiene
Am happy with the Public health aspect of the workshop...and will incorporate ideas in the ongoing programme of Water aid in Nepal
Evaluation of Watsan programmes is what i work on ..and have understood the context better..
Nga Kim Nguyen-Will use new media....
Revising the hygiene promotion strategy of organisation -- National hygiene promotion strategy (supporting government)...the workshop will help me improve my content for this.
Hygiene is the business of all - UNICEF- will use the programme to strengthen my work
Will use workshop knowledge to strengthen Wateraid Bangladesh work.
From BRAC school sanitation programme work will be strengthened since I understood the importance
Disaster Environment- climate change- hygiene promotion ..will work on the linkage
Will work on Men's hygiene promotion and progress from the learnings
I have 2 daughters...I am more aware of menstrual hygiene and my field area i will implement what I have learnt..
Will work on M.H. in school and community...
Riaz- The task ahead is to establish a school-community group for effective hygiene promotion
Practice hygiene ourselves ...and taking lessons from personal to political is important..
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